About Me

Bonjour mes amis!

I'm Gabrielle and welcome to my blog! 
This lil' page is just a breakdown of who I am and my interests.

I'm 18 years old and I live in Australia. I'm currently studying Mass Communication at university, and I'm hoping to either be an actress or work on the production side of films.
My favourite film would probably have to be Coraline, which some say is scary and weird, whilst I think it's beautifully haunting.

I'm obsessed with Harry Potter. I've been a fan since I was 3 years old, and have loved it ever since. All of the best moments of my life are to do with Harry Potter.
One of my faves is when I met James and Oliver Phelps (Fred and George Weasley) on my 15th birthday. Surprisingly I managed to contain some composure despite the fact I was internally screaming.

I plan on also starting a podcast called 'Magical Mondays' where I discuss everything from pop culture to films and tv shows (let me know if you'd listen to that ;) ).

I'm also a huge fan of the Batman universe, my fave character being the Joker (obvs). He's so urgh...let's just say, if the Joker was a real person, I wouldn't hesitate in marrying him. 

I really hope this blog is enjoyable for you!

Au revoir,

Gabrielle x

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